Teacher Appreciation Week 2024: Celebrating our Teacher Partners

Skill Struck love Teachers!

At Skill Struck, our team has the privilege of collaborating with amazing educators from all over! These educators we work with are passionate about teaching computer science and preparing their students to thrive in this new digital age.

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week this year, we’re spotlighting some of the teachers we’re appreciative of in this blog. Take a look below. 

Terry Snow, Technology Teacher

Laveen Elementary, Arizona

“Terry Snow has been a Skill Struck advocate for years! She has always provided us with amazing feedback. She teaches computer science in a block format to all of the students at her elementary site. Terry goes above and beyond to help her students master computer science concepts.” - Clara Salazar, Skill Struck CSM

Christopher Lorenz, Computer Science Teacher

Valley View High School, California

“Chris is wonderful! He teaches computer science. Chris is always looking for new ways to engage his students. He became a Skill Struck ambassador here earlier this year. He loved being able to test out Chat for Schools. He is someone who is always trying to provide opportunities for his students to grow.” - Clara Salazar, Skill Struck CSM

Victoria Fudge, Instructional Technologist

Venus Independent School District, Texas

“Victoria Fudge excels as Venus ISD's Instructional Technologist, passionately teaching computer science, typing, and AI. Her enthusiasm inspires students and colleagues alike, making her a standout educator who transforms learning with technology during Teacher Appreciation Week and beyond.” - Isaac Garrison, Skill Struck CSM 

Sarah Bennett, Educational Technology Coach

Mesa Public School District, Arizona

“Sarah, an Ed Tech Coach at Keller Elementary, is an exceptional educator whose passion for teaching extends beyond her students to her fellow educators. With a focus on computer science and typing, she has a remarkable ability to inspire and engage. Sarah's excellence in incorporating AI into the classroom showcases her innovative approach to education. Her dedication and skill in empowering both students and teachers with technological proficiency make her truly outstanding.” - Isaac Garrison, Skill Struck CSM

Margaret Fowler, Coding Teacher

Columbus Academy, Ohio

“Margaret Fowler stands out at Columbus Academy as an exceptional educator, driven by a passion to inspire her students' growth within the industry. With a rich background in technology, she brings invaluable real-world experience to her classroom, making learning both relevant and engaging. Her dedication and expertise illuminate the path for future industry leaders.” - Isaac Garrison, Skill Struck CSM

Carolyn Harris, Teacher

Madison Parish Middle School, Louisiana

“Carolyn Harris, a dedicated educator at Madison Parish Middle School, stands out for her self-motivation and commitment to bringing computer science to her students. Recognizing the importance of coding in today's world, she took the initiative to enhance her skills by attending a boot camp in Louisiana, demonstrating her exceptional ability to excel in coding. Her enthusiasm for teaching and learning is infectious, making her not only an impressive educator but also a delightful presence. Carolyn's dedication to her students' growth and her joyful demeanor make her a truly awesome educator.” - Isaac Garrison, Skill Struck CSM

Kathleen Patton, Technology Coach

Zion Elementary School District, Illinois

“Kathleen Patton shines as an instructional technology coach in the Zion Elementary School District, tirelessly working to ensure her students have access to Computer Science education. Her self-motivation and dedication to student success stand out, as she constantly seeks innovative ways to enrich learning experiences. Kathleen also acts as a strong advocate for her colleagues, addressing their needs with empathy and support. Her passion and drive in the field of Educational Technology make her a truly inspirational figure.” - Isaac Garrison, Skill Struck CSM

Troy Fernly, Computer Science Teacher

North Star Academy, Utah

“Troy Fernly is a powerful educator with incredible drive and a love for computer science education. His excitement for the subject not only sparks students' interest but also creates a lively learning atmosphere. Troy's approach to breaking down tough concepts into fun, understandable pieces has really changed the game, encouraging kids to dive into the tech world. His commitment highlights what it means to be a fantastic teacher.” - Isaac Garrison, Skill Struck CSM

Shawna Michelena, Computer Science Teacher

Sheridan County School District, Wyoming

“Shawna Michelena stands out as a remarkable educator in the Sheridan County School District, thanks to her deep knowledge and professionalism in computer science. She is always eager to support her students, demonstrating a commitment that goes beyond the classroom. Her passion and dedication make her a truly brilliant educator. She is an amazing teacher and we are so grateful for all she does for her students.” - Isaac Garrison, Skill Struck CSM

Jan Hermanson, Computer Science Teacher

South Summit School District, Utah

“Jan Hermanson is a standout computer science teacher at Utah's South Summit School District. She brings tech to life, making it fun and relatable for her students. Her passion and skill light up the classroom, making learning a joy. We love watching how she uses Skill Struck in her classroom to help her students continually learn and grow.” - Isaac Garrison,  Skill Struck CSM

Deann Poleon, District Technology Integrator

Lake Shore Central School District, New York

“Deann is the best! Deann is an administrator at Lake Shore CSD. She has been an advocate for Skill Struck in computer science in her district. She has also gone into the elementary schools in Lakeshore to assist teachers using Skill Struck. She has seen firsthand how impactful computer science education is at the elementary level.” - Margie Stahl, Skill Struck CSM

Michael Drezek, District Technology Integrator & AP Computer Science Teacher

Lake Shore Central School District, New York

“Mike is amazing! He is an administrator at Lakeshore CST. He is also assisting his educator in teaching AP computer science principles at Lakeshore High School. They have a small but mighty class of five students. They have used our AP lessons in order this school year. He has provided us with a ton of information and feedback on how the course is going for their students. He has been so helpful and we appreciate all he does for his students!” - Margie Stahl, Skill Struck CSM

Mike Afdahl, Coordinator of Technology Services

Calhoun City School District, Georgia

“Mike is just the best! He is an administrator at Calhoun City School District. He was able to work with us to create a study on the use of computer science in elementary classrooms with students who were underperforming in math. Obviously, we all know that the study was a success! He loves spreading the Skill Struck word to potential customers and they are using what he started with his small group with more educators in Calhoun today!” - Margie Stahl, Skill Struck CSM

Ian Lozano, Teacher

Duval County Public School District, Florida

“Ian is a middle school teacher in Duval. He loves using Skill Struck in his classroom! Unlike many other teachers, Ian has a computer science background. This makes him a huge help to his students as they explore computer science with Skill Struck. He's been using Voyage with his class for over a year now. They're doing great things!” - Margie Stahl, Skill Struck CSM

Devan Miller, AI Teacher

Okaloosa County Public Schools, Florida

“Devan teaches Artificial Intelligence at Okaloosa County. Devan loves using Skill Struck and Chat for Schools! He helps his students use AI safely and appropriately. He is also already an AI Ambassador! He has posted about Skill Struck on Twitter and we love working with him. We can’t wait to see how he continues to use Chat for Schools in his classroom.” - Margie Stahl, Skill Struck CSM

Shelly Wray, Administrator

Boise School District, Idaho

“Shelly is amazing! She is an administrator at Boise. She is a computer science and Skill Struck advocate. She is always looking out for our educators and students at Boise. We are so grateful for all she does for her teachers and students, and for all of the opportunities she provides for them to learn and grow.” - Donnaly Crull, Skill Struck CSM

Grow Problem Solvers, Inspire Creators, and Strengthen Communities

Our partners are amazing! It’s an honor to be able to collaborate and support them in their teaching.  When building new products or features we always consider our current teacher users and strive to create solutions that make their jobs easier so they can spend time impacting their students and changing the world. 

The Skill Struck mission is to grow problem solvers, inspire creators, and strengthen communities. We could not do any of this without the educators mentioned above along with all our amazing partners who are teaching CS and AI education to their students.

Learn more about Skill Struck by scheduling a demo here. 

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