10 Reasons Why Schools Should Teach Coding

Three blobs holding hands as they ride hover boards.

Every couple of months we meet with leaders in education across the nation to talk about computer science in K-12 schools and districts. We talk through barriers schools experience when trying to adopt new computer science pathways, things that have helped engage students in computer science, and ways to increase equity in computer science. 

After some of our conversations, it’s becoming clear that coding and computer science need to be rebranded.

A big barrier that educators have faced when implementing computer science pathways has stemmed from some not seeing the need to have computer science in the classroom, some thinking computer science is too challenging for their students, and others thinking that to be a software engineer you have to fit a specific mold. We’d like to challenge all of these statements. 

Coding is for everyone! Anyone can code and should learn how to code. This blog explores 10 reasons why schools should teach coding. 

10 Reasons Schools Should Teach Coding

  1. Coding allows students to create content, not just consume it.

In a world where there’s a lot of content and games to consume, it’s important to have creators of good, engaging, and quality content. By learning how to code students have an opportunity to be the creator, not just the consumer. 

  1. Coding empowers students and gives them tools to express themselves in really cool ways.

Students need more creative outlets to express themselves. Coding allows students to tap into their creative side and express what interests them. 

  1. Coding teaches storytelling with games and animations.

Kids can easily spend a lot of time on all the different content platforms that are available today. Coding allows them to be the creator of their own stories and stretches them to be able to make it fun for others to consume. 

  1. Coding is a safe place for students to take risks and fail. 

It’s inevitable: every person will experience failure. It’s so important that students learn in their youth what it’s like to fail and work through it. This skill will be so useful as they learn and grow in other areas of their life. 

  1. Coding is inclusive and builds self-confidence.

Through their risk and failure, students have the opportunity to learn what they did wrong in their code and fix it. Any student, no matter their background, can use coding as a vehicle to learn that they can create and do amazing things. 

  1. Coding supports many principles of mathematics.

Math is a core curriculum and can be a challenge for some students to grasp. Coding helps kids learn principles of mathematics which ultimately helps them improve their knowledge and abilities all around. 

  1. Coding teaches problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Problem-solving is needed in any industry, and in any career. By teaching kids problem-solving skills early on through coding, they are better prepared for the world that follows after high school and beyond.

  1. Coding is a new type of literacy and will be a large part of future jobs.

Coding is in almost every job. Whether you are a software developer, a customer success manager, a designer, a marketer, all these careers require technical skills. So while not all students will become coders, the majority of them will use these skills in whatever career path they choose. 

Fun fact: the department of labor statistics says that 65% of today’s students will work in STEM jobs that don’t currently exist. 

  1.  Coding develops teamwork and collaborative skills.

It’s so important that kids learn how to be team players in school, in their jobs, and in their life. Collaboration is used in every career and results in incredible software, products, and experiences that influence people’s lives for the better. 

  1.  Coding can help humanity. 

Technology has not only improved people’s lives but it’s also saved people’s lives. By introducing students to coding and computer science in their youth, you are exposing them to skills that will help current and future generations for the better. Think about technology like FaceTime. FaceTime has allowed us to connect with loved ones no matter where they are. That, in a real sense, saved many people through the pandemic.

Coding is for everyone. It’s for you, for your students, for everyone. Learn more about how you can implement an equity computer science pathway in your classrooms by checking out our course catalog.

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